How we do it

  • We engage competent external quality assurance managers for monitoring and auditing the activities of the approved centres, supporting them to ensure that quality of assessment and qualification delivery are maintained.
  • We work with the industries, occupational experts including sector skills councils to ensure that any emerging trends from the industry are captured and imbedded in the qualification development and delivery
  • We take steps in creating public awareness of accredited qualifications to ensure optimum buy-in of the various stakeholders
  • We Train, develop and advice occupational experts
  • We take a top bottom approach to eradicate or minimise risk within the overall concepts of vocational qualification delivery management (VQDM).
  • All our centres are well informed and constantly working towards quality standard.
  • We constantly carryout risk assessment to maintain quality.
  • We carry out periodic and unannounced quality check of our approved centres using our lead external quality assurers.

We develop and implement policies and policy watch that will enable and sustain maintenance of quality activities and delivery implementation