Front Office Operations

  • NSQ level 1 Front Office Operations

This is designed for learners working within the hospitality industry commercial and non-commercial sectors. This is a work based qualification that will enable a learner develop basic skills, knowledge and understanding in front office operations.

In order to obtain this award, a minimum of 15 credit units is required.

UNIT TITLE                                        

01        Comply with safe, hygienic and secure environments

02        Work effectively as part of hospitality team

03        Give customer positive impression of yourself and organisation

04        Communication system in a work environment

05        Compliance with front office procedures

06        Make and receive telephone calls

07        Use and maintain a manual filling system

08        Receive guest and handle guest luggage

09        Receive, store, deliver and secure guest, employee and organisation’s properties 10            Provide basic customer service

11        Ethics in hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism sectors

12        Deal with arrival of customer



The level 2 NVQ Certificate in Front Office Services is designed for Learners working in the hospitality industry for commercial and non-commercial operations. This is a work based qualification that will enable learner develop skills, knowledge and understanding as front office administrator or receptionist.

To qualify for this qualification a learner must achieve minimum 28 credit units.

10 credit from mandatory units and 18 credit from optional unit


01        Maintenance of safe, hygienic and secure environments

02        Work effectively as part of hospitality team

03        Give customer positive impression of yourself and organisation

04        Deal with communication as part of the reception function

05        Deal with arrival of customer

06        Deal with bookings

07        Prepare customer account and deal with departure

08        Ethic in hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism sectors

09        Employment rights and responsibilities in hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism sectors

10        Provide basic customer service

11        Describe front office procedures


The level 3 NSQ Diploma in Front Office Services is designed for Learners working in the hospitality industry at supervisory position for commercial and non-commercial operations. This is a work based qualification that will enable learner develop skills, knowledge and understanding as front office supervisor and administrator or receptionist.

To qualify for this qualification a learner must achieve minimum of 36 credit units. A total of 10 Mandatory Credit Units must be covered with additional 26 Credit from optional Units to achieve Level 3.

UNIT TITLE                

01        Maintenance of safe, hygienic and secure environments

02        Work effectively as part of hospitality team

03        Give customer positive impression of yourself and organisation

04        Ensure effective communication as part of the reception function

05        Monitor and handle arrival of customer

06        Supervise and deal with guest bookings

07        monitor customer account and deal with departures

08        Ethics in hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism sectors

09        Employment rights and responsibilities in hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism Sectors

10        Provide basic customer service

11        Maintain front office procedures

12        Inspect, receive, store, deliver and secure guest, employee and organisations Properties