Food and Beverage Production

  • NSQ LEVEL 1 Food and Beverage Production

In order to obtain this award, a minimum of 15 credits is required to be archived as follows:- 9 credits from the Mandatory Units and 6 credits from the Optional Units

UNIT TITLE                            

01        Comply safe, hygienic and secure environment

02        Work effectively as part of a hospitality team

03        Communication system in a work environment

04        Comply with and use clean knives

05        Prepare and cook vegetables

06        Prepare simple salads and fruits

07        Prepare hot/cold sandwiches and canapés

08        Prepare, cook rice and grains

09        Prepare and cook pulses

10        Prepare and cook fish

11        Prepare and cook meat and poultry

12        Prepare and cook eggs

13        Prepare and cook pasta

14        Bake and finish simple bread and dough

15        Prepare and cook swallow

16        Make Basic Stocks

17        Prepare and Cook Offal for basic Dishes

18        Prepare and Cook Nigerian Soups



In order to obtain this award, a minimum of 24 credits is required to be archived as follows:- 10 credits from the Mandatory Units and 14 credits from the Optional Units

Unit Title                   

1          Maintain food safety when storing, preparing and cooking food

2          Work effectively as part of a Hospitality Team

3          Communication System in a Work environment

4          Maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment

5          Prepare and Cook basic Fish dishes

6          Prepare and Cook Basic Poultry dishes Prepare

7          Prepare and Cook Offal for basic Dishes

8          Prepare and cook basic vegetable dishes

9          Prepare and Cook Basic pasta Dishes

10        Produce Basic Pastry Products

11        Produce Basic Cakes, Sponges and Scones

12        Prepare and Cook Nigerian Soups

13        Make Basic Stocks

14        Prepare and Cook Basic Meat Dishes

15        Prepare and Cook Shellfish

16        Employment rights and responsibilities in hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism sectors

17        Prepare hot/cold sandwiches and canapés

18        Bake and finish simple bread and dough

19        Plan, prepare, cook and finish complex cold desserts

20        Plan, prepare, cook and finish complex hot desserts

21        Plan, prepare, cook and finish complex hot sauces



The level 3 NSQ Diploma in Food and Beverage Production is designed for Learners working in the hospitality industry at supervisory position for commercial and non-commercial operations. This is a work based qualification that will enable learner develop skills, knowledge and understanding as Food and Beverage Production supervisor or administrator.

To qualify for this qualification a learner must achieve minimum of 36 credit units. A total of 10 Mandatory Credit Units must be covered with additional 26 Credit from optional Units to achieve Level 3.

Unit Title       

1          Maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment

2          Maintain food safety when storing, preparing and cooking food

3          Work effectively as part of a Hospitality Team

4          Communication System in a Work environment

5          Plan, prepare, cook and finish complex vegetable dishes

6          Plan, prepare, cook and finish complex fish dishes

7          Plan, prepare, cook and finish complex shellfish dishes

8          Plan, prepare, cook and finish complex meat dishes

9          Plan, prepare, cook and finish complex poultry dishes

10        Plan, prepare, cook and finish complex hot sauces

11        Plan, prepare, cook and finish complex soup dishes

12        Plan, prepare, cook and finish complex cold food dishes

13        Plan, prepare, cook and finish complex pastry products

14        Plan, prepare, cook and finish complex cakes, sponges, biscuits and scones

15        Plan, prepare, cook and finish complex bread and dough products

16        Plan, prepare, cook and finish complex cold desserts

17        Plan, prepare, cook and finish complex hot desserts

18        Plan, prepare, cook and finish complex canapés and cocktail products

19        Lead small teams

20        Establish quality control

21        Control and stock order

22        Ethics in hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism sectors

23        Employment rights and responsibilities in hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism sectors

24        Prepare and Cook Nigerian Soups

25        Prepare, cook rice and grains

26        Prepare and clear areas for table and tray service

27        Basic operation of a dispenser

28        Provide a trolley service

29        Provide a buffet and carver service

30        Carry out dining room operation

31        Serve at Banquet/catering function

32        Serve in dining /restaurant area